This is an 'old' topic on this blog, previously appearing in three 2006 posts and now being revived. It has been formally announced that the Broadway Mills Building, built in 1894 in Cleveland, Ohio, as a flour mill to the designs of John N. Richardson, is to be soon demolished for the 'new' Innerbelt. The Cleveland Restoration Society has recently referred to this structure as "one of the best surviving examples of Cleveland factory architecture". This is most likely the sole surviving example of a flour mill extant in Cleveland. One of its special features are true works of art, carved medallions which illustrate elements related to the production of flour that appear on the top floor of the exterior. The last remaining remnant of the Central Viaduct, literally abutting the Broadway Mills Building (visible in one of the accompanying photos) will also be destroyed. The original Innerbelt project, back in the 1950s, destroyed several of the last mansions erected on what had been "Millionaires Row" on Euclid Avenue. Many have bemoaned the loss of these mansions, in years since. Freeway construction has been responsible for the loss of countless historic and significant structures, in the Cleveland area. It is often stated that we "have learned from our mistakes", but it seems this particular mistake has remained 'elusive' and is destined to repeat itself again and again. Why is History so easily deemed "expendable" in Cleveland?